4949\frac{4}{9} of his investment. Its 5 months after she again invested 119" role="presentation">119119\frac{{11}}{9} of its original investment. If the total earned profit at the end of the year, is Rs. 117240, then who will get more money as a share of profit and how much ?" /> 4949\frac{4}{9} of his investment. Its 5 months after she again invested 119" role="presentation">119119\frac{{11}}{9} of its original investment. If the total earned profit at the end of the year, is Rs. 117240, then who will get more money as a share of profit and how much ?" /> 4949\frac{4}{9} of his investment. Its 5 months after she again invested 119" role="presentation">119119\frac{{11}}{9} of its original investment. If the total earned profit at the end of the year, is Rs. 117240, then who will get more money as a share of profit and how much ?" />

A and B started a business by investing Rs. 36000 and Rs. 45000 respectively. After 4 months B withdraws
of his investment. Its 5 months after she again invested
of its original investment. If the total earned profit at the end of the year, is Rs. 117240, then who will get more money as a share of profit and how much ?

  • 1Rs. 15500
  • 2Rs. 12450
  • 3Rs. 14245
  • 4Rs. 13560
Answer:- 1

Total capital invested by A in 1 year
=36000×12=Rs. 432000

Total capital invested by B in 1 year



  A   :   B
Ratio of Capital →   432000 : 545000
Ratio of Profit → 432 : 545

According to the question,(432+545)units=Rs. 117240977 units=Rs. 1172401 unit=Rs117240977 = Rs. 120Difference in profit=(545432)×120= 13560

It means B will get Rs. 13560 more than A

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of his investment. Its 5 months after she again invested
of its original investment. If the total earned profit at the end of the year, is Rs. 117240, then who will get more money as a share of profit and how much ?", "text": "A and B started a business by investing Rs. 36000 and Rs. 45000 respectively. After 4 months B withdraws
of his investment. Its 5 months after she again invested
of its original investment. If the total earned profit at the end of the year, is Rs. 117240, then who will get more money as a share of profit and how much ?", "dateCreated": "7/24/2019 10:09:12 AM", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Nitin Sir" }, "answerCount": "4", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "
Total capital invested by A in 1 year
=36000×12=Rs. 432000

Total capital invested by B in 1 year



  A   :   B
Ratio of Capital →   432000 : 545000
Ratio of Profit → 432 : 545

According to the question,(432+545)units=Rs. 117240977 units=Rs. 1172401 unit=Rs117240977 = Rs. 120Difference in profit=(545432)×120= 13560

It means B will get Rs. 13560 more than A ", "dateCreated": "7/24/2019 10:09:12 AM", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Nitin Sir" } }, "suggestedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "
Total capital invested by A in 1 year
=36000×12=Rs. 432000

Total capital invested by B in 1 year



  A   :   B
Ratio of Capital →   432000 : 545000
Ratio of Profit → 432 : 545

According to the question,(432+545)units=Rs. 117240977 units=Rs. 1172401 unit=Rs117240977 = Rs. 120Difference in profit=(545432)×120= 13560

It means B will get Rs. 13560 more than A ", "dateCreated": "7/24/2019 10:09:12 AM" } }