Directions: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow (Q. No. 145 to 150) by selecting the most appropriate option. The farmer is up before dawn on shearing-day driving his flock into pens. By eight o'clock the shearers arrive and, after a hearty breakfast, they take their places on 1. long benches that the farmer has improvised in the pens.Shears are taken from leather cases and sharpened with whetstones: a fire is  lighted to heat pitch for the marking:and the work begins. 2. Soon the shearers fall into their routine. A lad seizes a sheep from thepen and ties its feet -0 not with a cord, because that might injure it, but with a strip of sacking. The sheep is carried to the benches,and the. 3. Shearer begins to slice off the wool.First he  shears the coarse wool from the sheep's belly, they lays the animal on its side on the bench between his lege while he snips at the curly wool round the neck. He works to and. 4. for along the ribes, peeling the wool back until it hangs like a cloak doubled back over the animal. Then he turns the sheep over and begins on the unclipped side. In a few moments the whole fleece unclipped side. In a few moments the whole fleece falls away in one. 5. Piece, looking like a dirty gray rug.A few more snips from the shears and the wool is cut from either side of the sheep's tail, leaving the animal white and naked. The shearer pushes the sheep to the ground and. 6. immediately calls for another animal. Meanwhiile the lad daubs the farmer's mark in pitch on the newly shorn sheep, unties her legs, and  drives her out of the shearing pens. 7. A second lad - the farmer's son-seives the fleec as a  it tossed aside, rolls it up, tucking the tail wool in first, and secures the bundly by knotting the neck. any loose dippings are gatehred separately. 8. The work continues till one o'clock, when the farmer's wife summons the men to dinner. Each  man finishes the sheep that is beside him, then the whole party goesback to the  farm house. Themen troop into the. 9. Farm kitchen, leaving their dogs to scuffle in the yard. After the shortest of dinner-breaks for there is much to be done- the shearing continues and the pile of fleeces mounts. The shearer first cuts the wool from the...... of the sheep.

  • 1


  • 2


  • 3


  • 4


Answer:- 3

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