Operating Systems Concepts - 01

04. Which of the following is true about pseudocode

  • 1A machine language
  • 2An assembly language
  • 3A high-level language
  • 4None of the above

05. The primary purpose of an operating system is to:

  • 1make computer easier to use
  • 2keep system programmers employed
  • 3make the most efficient use of the hardware
  • 4allow people to sue the computers

06. Which of the following is a measure to test how good or bad a modular design is

  • 1Module strength
  • 2Module coupling
  • 3Static analysis
  • 4All of the above

07. The primary job of the operating system of a computer is to

  • 1command resources
  • 2manage resources
  • 3provide utilities
  • 4be user friendly

08. Assembler language

  • 1is usually the primary user interface
  • 2requires fixed-format commands
  • 3is a mnemonic form of machine language
  • 4is quite different from the SCL interpreter

09. A critical region is

  • 1a program segment that has not been proved bug-free
  • 2a program segment that often causes unexpected system crashes
  • 3a program segment where shared resources are accessed
  • 4one which is enclosed by a pair of P and V operations on semaphores

10. The function(s) performed by the paging software is (are)

  • 1Implementation of the access environment for all programs in the system
  • 2Management of the physical address space
  • 3Sharing and protection
  • 4All of the above
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