Operating Systems Concepts - 02

01. Which of the following statements is not true about the FORTRAN language?

  • 1FORTRAN is a high level language
  • 2A FORTRAN program, written for the IBM-PC, is totally different from a FORTRAN program written for execution on the SUN machine
  • 3FORTRAN is extensively used to write programs for performing scientific computations
  • 4All of the above

02. A task in a blocked state

  • 1is executable
  • 2is running
  • 3must still be placed in the run queues
  • 4is waiting for same temporarily unavailable resources

03. The command interpreter

  • 1is usually the primary user interface
  • 2requires fixed format commands
  • 3is menu drive
  • 4is quite different from the SCL interpreter

05. Backups should be done

  • 1daily for most installations
  • 2weekly for most installations
  • 3as several image copies, followed by an incremental
  • 4as several incrementals, followed by an image copy

07. The instruction register

  • 1is a hardware memory device which denotes the location of the current instruction being executed.
  • 2is a group of electrical circuits (hardware), that performs the intent of instructions fetched from memory.
  • 3contains the address of the memory location that is to be read from or stored into.
  • 4contains a copy of the designated memory location specified by the MAR after a "read" or the new contents of the memory prior to a "write".

08. Non-modifiable procedures are called

  • 1serially usable procedures
  • 2concurrent procedures
  • 3reentrant procedures
  • 4topdown procedures

09. Which of the following statements is false?

  • 1a process scheduling algorithm is preemptive if the CPU can be forcibly removed from a process
  • 2time sharing systems generally use preemptive CPU scheduling
  • 3response time are more predictable in preemptive systems than in non preemptive systems
  • 4real time systems generally use non-preemptive CPU scheduling
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