Power Point - 04

01. List Box and Text box

  • 1Are some other than that in a list box the bullets are enabled
  • 2Are different. List boxes are used to present lists and can’t be created with text boxes
  • 3Both of above
  • 4None of above

02. In a PowerPoint presentation

  • 1Sound clips can be inserted but not movie clips
  • 2Movie clips can be inserted but not sound clips
  • 3Both cannot be inserted
  • 4Both can be inserted

03. To insert slide numbers

  • 1Insert a text box and select Insert >> Page Number
  • 2Insert a textbox and select Insert >> Number >> PageNumber
  • 3Choose Insert >> Slide Number
  • 4Insert a new text box and select Insert >> slide Number

04. What are the three options available in Insert >> Picture menu?

  • 1Clipart, Pictures, Shapes
  • 2Clipart, From File, Shapes
  • 3Clipart, From Files, AutoShapes
  • 4Clipart, Pictures, AutoShapes

05. If you want to insert some slides from other presentation into current one choose

  • 1From Insert menu choose Slides from Files
  • 2From Insert menu choose Slides from Presentation
  • 3From Insert menu choose Slides
  • 4None of above

06. What is the best way to create another copy of a slide?

  • 1Click the slide then press Ctrl+A and paste in new slide
  • 2From Insert Menu choose Duplicate Slide
  • 3Redo everything on a new slide that you had done on previous slide
  • 4None of above

07. Which of the following is not a part of Slide Design?

  • 1Design Template
  • 2Color Scheme
  • 3Animation Scheme
  • 4Slide Layout

08. Which of the following method can insert a new slide in current presentation?

  • 1Right click on the Slide panel and choose New Slide
  • 2From Insert menu choose New Slide
  • 3Click on New Slide button on toolbar
  • 4All of above

09. What happens if you select first and second slide and then click on New Slide button on toolbar?

  • 1A new slide is inserted as first slide in presentation
  • 2A new slide is inserted as second slide in presentation
  • 3A new slide is inserted as third slide in presentation
  • 4None of above
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